"There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.", Nelson Mandela
My ST1100, loyal traveling companion of many many trips, is finally ready to roll. This round of repairs saw the bike with so many parts stripped away that it was almost unrecognizable as a motorcycle.
I had to raise the rear wheel as high as I could so that I could use the large torque wrench on the two lower bolts holding the new differential on

The most difficult nut to reach and torque is the upper left one. Would have been impossible with the fuel tank in place.

Torqueing the bottom bolts.

Removing the old copper exhaust seals in preparation for the "new" exhaust system.

I had to remove the protective tipover framework on the right side. One bolt was rusted in and it broke. I drilled it out and retapped the hole.

I really needed speedclips to put all the bodywork back on. I was missing quite a few.

Running the bike outside to check for exhaust leaks. Everything was OK.

I have a working fuel guage again. Old one would show full right after the bike was filled, then fall to empty after a short distance. Was a bit of a panic the first time I noticed it.

So that is it, ready for the road. Let's hope the weather improves!