The splines on both the differential side and the wheel side are worn from the nice flat top profile one would expect to small points. There is not much life left in them. I recently traveled to New York City to obtain a replacement. I bought a used differential from my friend Dan who is parting out an ST1100. I had recently bought the exhaust system and a brake caliper off this machine. How did I get there? Why on the ST1100 of course!
I was doing a tire change on the bike when it was noticed. I did get the new tire on, lubricated those worn splines with moly grease and rode to NYC and back. Approximately 1000 km each way. Of course the new tire is my old standby, the excellent Bridgestone Exedra G548.
I have yet to put the new-to-me differential on the bike.
The other problem I have is with that previously mentioned exhaust system that I bought used from the donor motorcycle. The pipe leading to the right canister is completely separated from the collector. Of course this used system was put on after the original exhaust rusted out.
I must get this system repaired soon. It is my favourite commuter bike!
Here is a photo of the damaged exhaust.