This is an edit of my previously published blog entry about my experience with the Midland BT Next motorcycle bluetooth unit. A few weeks after publishing a positive review, the unit broke.
I am now using a Sena 20S. I am pleased thus far. The quality of the audio is loud enough to be heard over the wind rush and earplugs-as were the Midland and Cardo.
My Newest bluetooth headset - Sena 20S

The Midland BT Next broke after a few months use
I initially tried a Scala Rider G9 last year and had problems. The first unit I bought broke within the first week of use. One of the speakers quit working. I returned it for a replacement and in the rain, the replacement quit working and never came back even after an extended period of drying.
On the advice of Donald at Platinum Powersports in Ontario, I purchased the Midland unit you see in the photos.

I sewed the speakers in so they would stay put. Placement here in this helmet is ok but not directly over the ears. Performance would no doubt improve with better placement but not all helmets allow for this.
While no battery powered unit can crank out the power required to overcome wind noise and earplugs, I found it adequate while listening to MP3s streamed from my phone. FM radio volume is less loud and am unable to hear anything properly so I gave up trying to use it.
People I talk to on the phone say they can hear me very well, even while riding at highway speeds.
For longer trips, I use a USB battery pack to power it. The battery slips into the inside pocket of my Darien and I can ride all day.